Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Kangaroo カンガルー

Kangaroo, acrylic on canvas





どの場所が神聖でどの場所が神聖でないか、これは最近論争を引き起こしました。オーストラリアの砂漠には、多くの鉱物資源がありますが、その場所がアボリジニーの人々にとって宗教的な意味を持つ場所だった場合、政府は容易に鉱物資源の採掘許可を与えるわけにはゆきません。しかしアボリジニーの人々は信仰に関しては秘密主義です。100% 確実にその場所が神聖な場所であるかどうかを知ることはできません。これは非常に複雑な問題であり、関係者全員の多くの忍耐と寛容を必要とします。

This is a dot painting in the style most people know as Australian Aboriginal art. The colours were selected to match the pigments that were used by their ancestors in the red deserts of Australia. Very ancient rock and cave paintings have been found with native animals painted in this abstract style.

Some of these dot paintings are simply exhilarating to see in person, because they can be so complex, and yet simple at the same time.

The motifs of round circles can be found carved into stones, and some of these carvings are tens of thousands of years old. These symbols are sacred and the meanings of these symbols are not revealed to outsiders.

This may come as a surprise to many people. For aboriginal people, their rites and religion are practiced in secrecy. It is not their custom to encourage other people to adopt their faith.

This has caused controversy in the recent past, over what places are sacred, and what places aren't. The Australian desert has a lot of mineral resources. If a place has religious significance to the Aboriginal people, the Government can be very reluctant to grant mining permits. However, because of the secrecy around the faith of the Aboriginal people, it is not possible to know with 100% certainty whether a place is sacred or not. This is a very complex problem, and requires a lot of patience and tolerance of all the people involved.


Blogger Clint said...

It's very interesting how distinct the Australian aboriginal art is. The Northwest Native art I deal with is also very distinct.

4:21 AM  

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