Friday, June 16, 2006

John Weeronga Bartoo

I met John Weeronga Bartoo a few months ago. He lives about 30 minutes drive from where I am. He is an Aboriginal man who was raised by white parents and was taught only European custom. In his words ... "raised as a white man".

He has since taken the time to rediscover his aboriginal heritage, and paints spiritually intense art works.

His paintings are now sold in galleries in New York and other cities. Best of all, an elder from a Northen aboriginal tribe has invited him to spend 3 months with them out in the bush to learn the customs that he has missed out on.

Here is a link to some of his paintings.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A non-art post

3 vs 1


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Health note: Australian fish オーストラリアの魚

My sister warned me about eating Australian fish, especially tuna. Since I like tuna very much, I'm not too happy to hear this.

There was a news story about a pregnant Australian woman who wanted a healthy baby, and ate a lot of Australian tuna. When her blood sample was taken, there was an abnormally high level of heavy metals. (I did not read the news myself, therefore I am relying on what my sister said). Here is a health message from the United Nations.

There is a reason behind this. Australia is a continent rich in minerals. Minerals containing heavy metals are weathered into the ocean around the continent, and is accumulated up the food chain, from the little fishes up to the bigger fishes. Since tuna is a rather big fish, it ends up with all the heavy metal.

Japanese readers should be interested in this, because some Australian tuna end up in Japanese supermarkets. People who like whale meat should be even more careful.

For Australian fisherman's sake, I hope you'd still continue eating Australian fishes. But for your own health, you should eat fish from other countries as well.


健康な赤ん坊を望み、多くのオーストラリアのマグロを食べたオーストラリア人の妊婦に関するニュース記事によると、彼女の血液には異常に高いレベルの重金属が含まれていたそうです。(私は自分でニュースを読んでいません。これは私の姉妹から聞いた話です。) ここに UN Atlas of the Oceans のトピックがあります。


オーストラリアのマグロは日本のスーパーでも売られているので、日本人の皆さんはこの事実に興味を持つべきです。 鯨肉が好きであるなら、さらに慎重であるべきです。


Friday, March 25, 2005

Water Creatures 水生生物

Aboriginal Dot Art of Crocodile and Turtles

Happy Easter everyone!

In Aboriginal societies, there are people who are responsible as the custodian of certain animals. They are like modern-day rangers, who have deep understanding of the animals. These people have special responsibilities, and are able to make rules about whether the animals could be killed, how they were to be killed.

(Apologies for the blurry photo. My hand was shaking and I'm now too far away to retake the photo).



(ぶれた写真の謝罪 : 撮影時に手ぶれしてしまいました。現在私は遠方におり、撮り直すことができません。)

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Aboriginal Dot Art of Crocodile and Turtles ワニと亀の点描画

Aboriginal Dot Art of Crocodile and Turtles

Monday, January 31, 2005

Humour 閑話

This town in Australia is called Eromanga. In Aboriginal language, this means 'hot, windy plain'. Japanese readers will probably think it means something else.

Map of Eromanga

(via Japaundit)


(地図 : Japaundit より)

Town names

A lot of towns in Australia have Aboriginal names. It is quite common to see the names repeated. I have been told this is the plural form, to indicate many. For example:
  • Wagga Wagga - "Place of many crows"
  • Bindi Bindi
  • Kurri Kurri - "Hurry Along"
  • Gulin Gulin
Are there any places in Japan that are like this?


Wagga Wagga - 多くのカラスがいる所
Bindi Bindi
Kurri Kurri - 急いで行く
Gulin Gulin

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Two Goannas and a Snake 二匹のゴアナと蛇

This piece is just 40 cm by 40 cm, and one can appreciate how much detail goes into a work like this.

Several species of venomous snakes can be found in Australia. A chart of the snake toxicities are available here.

